About East Brunswick TNR & Rescue

Our organization blossomed out of the recognition by one concerned resident of the need for TNR in town. Lindsay has since tirelessly connected the various people in town who were already providing TNR services to community cats, and recognized that we needed a formal organization to consistently achieve the goals of a successful TNR program. What started with a Facebook group in 2020 has brought the community together and has since been able to identify the current colonies and areas of need in town. The group has already completed TNR for dozens of cats and rescued many kittens. We need continued support for trapping, holding, and transporting cats to and from their surgeries. Additionally, we are hoping to develop a foster program for kittens that are rescued from these situations.


President: Ed Luster
Executive Director: Lindsay Margossian
Co-Vice President: Heather Guas
Co-Vice President: Jessica Laurier
Secretary: Bonnie Wilson
Treasurer: Craig Laurier

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